Woah, its been how long?

I know its been awhile and I am here to tell you why.

The 6 shoots never happened. Only 3 of them did. They other 3 were canceled due to different reasons, but one of them was rescheduled and just recently happened. The results were amazing, and im extremely glad we rescheduled.

That shoot was done in Denver, and it was an infrared shoot. The camera had been altered, and the photographer was experimenting with it. I had 4 different types of fabric to play with each of which had a different effect. After a while we added a fan, so I got even more creative and started throwing the fabric into the air. In our minds we totally had a god/goddess idea, but in the pictures it didnt look like that lol. Still got some amazing results.  The camera makes everything a different shade of white or blue, and my skin, pale as it is, was even more pale with the camera. I almost look like stone, and its a really cool effect. Statue comes to mind. Overall, I made a new friend, and plan on meeting up with him for another shoot. Another infrared, only this time we shall be out in the Forrest.  We will see how that one goes, I think its going to go vampireish, but who knows really.


I also had another shoot with Dress To Thrill, this time a one on one session. Which is good, as I have said before i like the salons, but i like the one on one better. I have more creativity and more freedom to do what I want. I have yet to see these pictures, but I am excited, we did some cool stuff ranging from aviators, to odd poses on a chair, to jumping. I should see these within a week or so. The next shoot actually =)


My Simple Crazy Life



Face, Body, Feet, Hands….You Name It.

This is more for me to get my thoughts out on “paper”, but it is also to maybe help you. By sharing what I have learned, I am hoping to help you as well. Make sense? Good.

Hands: While posing you need to be aware of every part of your body. Some more than others, like your hands. At first you wouldn’t think where your hands were would make such a big difference, when truth is hands are just as important as the expression of your face. I have learned that relaxed hands usually come out more appealing, unless your going for that “umph” look. By taking a deep breath and just relaxing between shots can help relax your body and your hands into a more natural position. Also, the position of your hands is super important depending on the type of photo it will be. If you want a head shot, its best to have your hands above your waist. If its a full body, you can really have your hands anywhere. Adding onto this, this is not a “rule” just more of a observation, but ive noticed that the space between your hands is important as well. Like you dont want your hands on the same body part, or if they are, your body needs to be tilted, so that when you draw a stright line your hands dont cross the same line. Am I making sense?

Body: In reality this could be a blog on its own, and its so versatile that its really more of an opinion than anything else. Body position is important. Simple as that. If you have the wrong angle it can make for a horrible photo. Angles are everything in a picture, they hide things, they can make you appear taller, they can make you skinnier. They can also do bad things for you. So my opinion in this case is to never be flat to the camera. Dont have your shoulder and your hips towards the camera at the same time in other words. It can make you appear wider. No one wants that. A good angle is to have your shoulders towards the camera but your hips off to the side. Its an easy common pose, but it can help you become more aware of your angles. As you progress and get better and learn more, you will understand your body better and know which angels look right on you.

Face: Expression can make or break the photo. There are so many things to do with your expression, so many results. The one thing you dont want is a blank expression. You could have the best form in the word but if your dont bring expression and emotion into the picture it will be worthless.  Your expression defines the mood of the picture. What I do to get an expression, I think about something that puts me in that mood. If I want to be sexy I try to connect with the camera like I would a boyfriend. If I need to be sad, I think about something that makes me sad ect… It doesnt always work, I get that, but its worth a shot. The main thing here is to find what works for you, I am merely stating what works for me.

Im am going to close by saying this: Find out what works for you and go for it. Practice in the mirror at home when you brush your teeth, or get out of the shower. Use the TFC shoots to help you find your angles, and discover your body. All of the above are simply my observations and what works for me.

This is My Simple, Crazy Life
