Miss Mint

So this is along the lines of modeling, but it is an experience I have yet to have.  The Miss Mint competition is 4 years old, an in some ways it is kinda like a pageant, only on the internet. I entered several weeks ago, and I just recently discovered that I had gotten through the first round, and into the second, where 151 girls were selected out of thousands of entries. This second round is now the voting round, where everyday people, vote on their favorite. I will admit, im not one for popularity so my numbers are suffering. If you all would please please vote for me, I would be so happy. This is something I really am striving for. It would help get my name out there as a model, which would help so so much. I thank you each in advance for voting, it really does mean a lot to me, and if i get into the next round, I will be sure to keep everyone updated on the competition. Thank you so much, here is the link: http://themint400.com/2012/02/janae-coe/

My Simple Crazy Life


