Beautiful Body

My previous post was about nude modeling and I feel I should elaborate on WHY I decided to take the path I have.

Men, do NOT hold this against me, this is a generalization and not pointed towards one man. Im sorry if I offend you, but its how the world views your gender.

As a gender, men tend to view naked bodies as toys. As something to fantasize over, something to use to benefit the person at that moment. Not all men, but many take advantage of their hormones and producers take advantage of that by finding cultures version of a sexy woman and putting her all over ads, putting them in movies. By making xxx rated movies, and porn on the internet. Those are just the common one, the lesser being human trafficking , where teenagers and older are sold into sexual slavery. All because of hormones.  As I said, this is a generalization, I realize that not all men are like this. Back on topic, the human body is not just something to look at and to drool over. Its something beautiful that needs to be taken care of, and no matter what shape it is in, is beautiful. It doesn’t matter if the body is 18, or 81, its beautiful. Firm, or saggy. Post-pregnancy, Pre-pregnancy.

My goal is not just one thing, but several different things rolled into one huge mess, that not even I am brave enough to enter into. However, what I am able to sort out, I am passionate about. I want all humans on this earth, to be able to look at a body and see beauty. Not something sexy, or kinky. Ok, maybe sexy, but that’s a whole different topic. I want to brainwash the current culture to see the human body for what it is. I guess what i’m trying to say is that I want men as a gender to respect a body. This goes out to women too! For all those that stare at another womans body and say “Oh, her body is not as good looking as mine so i feel better about myself”, I strongly disapprove because your attitude, makes your body nothing. Your body is disrespected because you don’t respect your self, or the body. Just because someone is not a size 0, 2, or 3 does not make their body unattractive.

I personally do not want to change the world, I wont live that long. But I do want to try to kick start a movement. By respecting the body self-esteem will go up. If people are not pressured to be skinny, and sexy to the cultures standards, people may think of themselves better, and be happy with what they were given. Suicides will go down, depression will go down, and moral will go up. Im not saying it will rid of it completely, but it will at least help, and give those who would have been dead, another chance.

Many people have tried to kick-start this movement, and some have gone further than others, but no where near a big enough impact has been made. Frankly, my generation is too wrapped up in themselves to change, and make this country a better place.  To scared to step outside their comfort zone and change.  If death, accidents, and stories wont open a door for them, then I am truly scared for where this culture is going.

This is my Simple, Crazy Life

